Thursday, August 30, 2018

August progress

August turned out to be a good stitching month. I missed my goal of 7,500 stitches by just a little bit. But I finished page 6 and 7 and then moved down to the second row, page 8 and made good progress there. I also got that bow filled in!

August totals:
63 hours,  15 minutes
7,391 stitches

September 7th will be the 6 month mark of working on this, so I thought it would be fun to look at the overall stats.

Totals for the first six months:
304 hours
35,792 stitches
14.2% complete

Now, let's see the pictures!

July 31, 2018

August 30, 2018
Funny how a rainy day can change the lighting so much LOL .

Goal for September: 7,500 more stitches!


  1. That's brilliant progress this month, and so far. Keep up the good work! :)

  2. Wow youre doing great
