Wednesday, April 1, 2015

March Review

I didn't get a lot done on Letting Go for the Stitchy New Start. I did take out several rows of the stitches that I want to change to tent stitches. Hopefully I will get more done in April.
This is where I was at the end of February...
And now at the end of March...
I did start a new chart, Four Seasons Birds.
And this is where I am. (I am actually a little further but I didnt take a new photo.)
I also finished this little one for my mom.
And I finished the flower pot kitten that I posted earlier.

My new peacock chart was a free download so I didn't spend any money this month. I didn't work on my blanket so no new photos of that yet. I haven't ordered my Christmas ornaments or the Alpine Mandala yet. I didn't plan to start those until July so I'm still on track with those.

Overall I'm doing pretty good with my goals. The one that is suffering the most is my blanket.

In April I hope to get a couple more smalls done, see significant progress on the birds and letting go, hopefully work on my blanket (but it's getting really warm and I'm not sure I will.) I also plan to start a walking program. Be sure to check back later for all the details!


  1. Wonderful progress and finish, Sarah :-) I love your new chart; I'm a sucker for any four seasons charts. Good luck with working on your blanket!

  2. All lovely projects and cute finish Sarah.


  3. Great progress, lovely finish and what an awesome start. I love birdies!
    Evalina, This and that...
