
Monday, January 18, 2016

Heaven and Earth Blues

I've been working a little bit on my HAED but I'm just not enjoying it right now. I'm tired of stitching "nothing". Will it ever look like a picture? Does anyone have any advice for this type of situation?

I'm going to keep trying. Hopefully I will feel better about it soon.


  1. It looks great Sarah. Hang in there. You will eventually get to the picture.


  2. HAEDs are big projects so you just need to have a lot of perseverance. It looks like you've started her hair so why not go right from there and leave the sky for a while? You might even get to stitch a bt of her hairband! :)

  3. After a small break down in my confidence and a talk with my Husband, I think you guys are right....just hang in there. He pointed out too that I'm on the edge of her hair and also suggested that I just work on her for awhile then go back to the sky.

    Thank you girls for your support. Next time when I'm choosing a HAED I will definitely pay more attention to the entire picture.

  4. It's looking great you'll get there soon! I would finish out that section then move to the right it looks like there are some things to see. Then you can alternate a nothing page with a something page lol

  5. Looks great, but if I got sick of doing something I change the chart I'm working on but that's just me. You can always go back.

  6. Sometimes you just have to put it away until your flair comes back for it.

  7. I think it's looking good Sarah, and I also think you're a pretty brave gal to take on such a piece. I have always felt, that though the HEAD's are beautiful, that they had too many confetti stitches and too many details for me. Stick with it or add another easier piece to alternate with. You'll get it. By the way, I'm your newest follower. Thank you for your comment on my blog, at LindaLee

  8. I know exactly how you feel. I'm working on a HAED design too that is HUGE - and the top is all and I mean ALL blue. But then I finally got to a part that showed something and that encouraged me. Keep going - you'll get there.

  9. Oh I feel you. Nothing worse than stitching the background. I hope you kept with it though!
